Megadoom II
MEGADOOM II - iso.7z
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463 lines
WRITTEN BY: Robert Fenske, Jr. (rfenske@swri.edu)
Southwest Research Institute
Electromagnetics Division
6220 Culebra
San Antonio, Texas 78238-5166
CREATED: June 1994
DESCRIPTION: This module contains routines to generate the REJECT
resource. The REJECT resource is a two-dimensional
square bit matrix. Its size is determined by the
number of sectors: (<# sectors>^2 + 7) / 8 bytes. Each
bit is a flag for a sector pair. So REJECT[s1][s2] is
zero then any creatures in sector s1 can attack
anything in sector s2. A one means no attack is
allowed. For most purposes this essesentially reflects
whether sector s1 can see sector s2. Which means that
REJECT[s1][s2] will be the same as REJECT[s2][s1]
and that REJECT[s1][s1] will always be zero. But note
that if REJECT[s1][s1] is one, then any creatures in
sector s1 will mill about never attacking anything
within the sector. The philosophy of this module is
that REJECT[s1][s2] should be zero if the sectors s1
and s2 can see each other--this implies that creatures
can attack from s1 into s2 (and vice versa). If s1
and s2 can't see each other then REJECT[s1][s2] should
be once. This module generates the REJECT array solely
based on whether the sectors are in line of sight of
each other.
This module does not do any error checking on any
memory allocation. If any allocation ever fail, this
module will bomb.
DOOM is a trademark of id Software, Inc.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "dmglobal.i"
#define rside_sect(l) rinfo.sides[rinfo.lines[l].rsidndx].sectndx
#define lside_sect(l) rinfo.sides[rinfo.lines[l].lsidndx].sectndx
#define two_sided(l) (rinfo.lines[l].lsidndx != -1)
#define bit_no(s1,s2) ((s1)*rinfo.nsects+(s2))
#define clr_flag(a,s1,s2) ((a)[bit_no(s1,s2)/8] &= ~(1<<(bit_no(s1,s2)%8)))
#define set_flag(a,s1,s2) ((a)[bit_no(s1,s2)/8] |= (1<<(bit_no(s1,s2)%8)))
#define get_flag(a,s1,s2) ((a)[bit_no(s1,s2)/8] & (1<<(bit_no(s1,s2)%8)))
typedef struct REJECT_INFO {
int nsects; /* # sectors */
DOOM_LINE *lines;
long nlines;
DOOM_SIDE *sides;
DOOM_VERT *verts;
DOOM_BLOCKMAP *blockmap;
long *A, *B, *C; /* lines equation constants */
int ndiv; /* # divisions tested / line */
local REJECT_INFO rinfo; /* REJECT information block */
local DOOM_REJECT *Reject, /* built REJECT block */
*Checked; /* sector pairs checked blk */
ROUTINE: reject_test_point(lndx,d,ndiv,tp)
WRITTEN BY: Robert Fenske, Jr.
CREATED: June 1994
DESCRIPTION: This routine calculates the input line's test point
given the ratio d/ndiv (i.e., the dth division of ndiv
divisions). It calculates the point
x = Vfx + d * (Vtx-Vfx) / nd
y = Vfy + d * (Vty-Vfy) / nd
#if defined(ANSI_C)
local void reject_test_point(int lndx, int d, int ndiv, DOOM_VERT *tp)
local void reject_test_point(lndx,d,ndiv,tp)
int lndx;
int d, ndiv;
register DOOM_VERT *vf = &rinfo.verts[rinfo.lines[lndx].fndx],
*vt = &rinfo.verts[rinfo.lines[lndx].tndx];
tp->x = (long)vf->x + d*((long)vt->x-vf->x)/ndiv;
tp->y = (long)vf->y + d*((long)vt->y-vf->y)/ndiv;
ROUTINE: reject_block_los(vf,vt,lndx)
WRITTEN BY: Robert Fenske, Jr.
CREATED: June 1994
DESCRIPTION: This routine returns whether the input line lndx
blocks the view of the point vt from the point vf.
This is equivalent to determining if the lndx line
intersects the segment defined by vf and vt. The
intersection point is not needed, only the knowledge
that such an intersection exists. For such an
intersection to exist, the points vf and vt must lie on
opposite sides of the lndx line, and the vertices of
the lndx line must lie on opposite sides of the vf-vt
segment. Given that the line is Ax + By + C = 0 and
a vertex is (Vx,Vy), the intersection of the line
and the shortest-distance line from the vertex to the
line is given by
Xi = Vx - b * d
Yi = Vy - a * d
where a = B/(A^2+B^2)^.5, b = A/(A^2+B^2)^.5,
c = C/(A^2+B^2)^.5, and d = a*Vx + b*Vy + c. Since
the directional information can be obtained from
Xi - Vx = Vx - b*d - Vx = -b*d and
Yi - Vx = Vy - a*d - Vy = -a*d, only d is needed to
determine which side the vertex lies on. Thus only
the sign (-1, 0, or +1) of d = (A*Vx + B*Vx + C) /
(A^2 + B^2)^.5 needs to be considered. This simple
matrix can be used to determine the side:
"from" "to" vertex
vertex left on right
left left left both
on left ? right
right both right right
For the ? case, the line's directional information must
be used to determine the "sidedness". Right is denoted
with 0, left denoted by 1, and both denoted by -1.
A, B, C, and d are calculated only when required to
enhance the speed of the routine. For the line of
sight to be blocked the "both" case must occur for
the lndx line with repect to the vf-vt segment and for
the vf-vt segment with respect to the lndx line.
#if defined(ANSI_C)
local int reject_block_los(DOOM_VERT *vf, DOOM_VERT *vt, int lndx)
local int reject_block_los(vf,vt,lndx)
DOOM_VERT *vf, *vt;
int lndx;
static int rightleft[3][3] = { { 1, 1, -1 },
{ 1, -2, 0 },
{ -1, 0, 0 } };
static DOOM_VERT lvf, lvt; /* last vertices */
static long A, B, C; /* describes los line */
DOOM_VERT *lf = &rinfo.verts[rinfo.lines[lndx].fndx],/* test line vertices */
*lt = &rinfo.verts[rinfo.lines[lndx].tndx];
long pfd, ptd;
register int fsv, tsv, fsl, tsl; /* "from"/"to" vertex sides */
if (lvf.x != vf->x || lvt.x != vt->x ||
lvf.y != vf->y || lvt.y != vt->y) { /* update A,B,C if have to */
A = -((long)vt->y - vf->y); /* partition line is */
B = (long)vt->x - vf->x; /* Ax + By + C = 0 */
C = (long)vt->y*vf->x - (long)vt->x*vf->y;
lvf = *vf; /* save new vertices */
lvt = *vt;
pfd = A*lf->x + B*lf->y + C;
fsv = (pfd>=0)-(pfd<=-0); /* "from" vertex side */
ptd = A*lt->x + B*lt->y + C;
tsv = (ptd>=0)-(ptd<=-0); /* "to" vertex side */
pfd = rinfo.A[lndx]*vf->x + rinfo.B[lndx]*vf->y + rinfo.C[lndx];
fsl = (pfd>=0)-(pfd<=-0); /* "from" vertex side */
ptd = rinfo.A[lndx]*vt->x + rinfo.B[lndx]*vt->y + rinfo.C[lndx];
tsl = (ptd>=0)-(ptd<=-0); /* "to" vertex side */
return rightleft[1-fsv][1-tsv]==-1 && rightleft[1-fsl][1-tsl]==-1;
ROUTINE: reject_test_los(l1,l2)
WRITTEN BY: Robert Fenske, Jr.
CREATED: June 1994
DESCRIPTION: This routine tests the line of sight between line l1
and line l2. It does this this by checking if any
one-sided line blocks the view of l2 from l1. Two-
sided lines are regarded as transparent in all cases.
Each line is checked at a number of points, based on
the ndiv field of rinfo. Test points are created for
l1 and l2 and the line of sight is checked between
these points. Sector floor and ceiling height are
ignored. The blockmap is used to determine the lines
that potentially block the line of sight between the
test points; this greatly reduces the number of lines
that need to be checked.
#if defined(ANSI_C)
local boolean reject_test_los(int l1, int l2)
local boolean reject_test_los(l1,l2)
int l1, l2;
boolean los = FALSE; /* line-o'-sight flag */
DOOM_VERT v1, v2; /* los test vertices */
long scl = 81920L/(100+rinfo.blockmap[3]); /* line following scaling */
long size = 0x80*scl; /* block size (map coords) */
long xcc, xcl;
long xf,yf, xt,yt;
long xd, yd; /* x direction, y direction */
long m; /* diagonal line slope */
int i;
int p = 0; /* increment to next block */
int c = 0; /* # blocks to consider */
unsigned short *ub;
register long b; /* blockmap block # */
register int d1, d2;
register long l;
for (d1 = 0; !los && d1 <= rinfo.ndiv; d1++) {/* do l1's test points */
xf = scl*((long)v1.x-(long)rinfo.blockmap[0]);
yf = scl*((long)v1.y-(long)rinfo.blockmap[1]);
for (d2 = 0; !los && d2 <= rinfo.ndiv; d2++) {/* do l2's test points */
los = TRUE;
xt = scl*((long)v2.x-(long)rinfo.blockmap[0]);
yt = scl*((long)v2.y-(long)rinfo.blockmap[1]);
xd = sgn(xt-xf), yd = sgn(yt-yf);
switch (2*(xf/size == xt/size) + (yf/size == yt/size)) {
case 0: c=0, p=yd*rinfo.blockmap[2];/* diag ln */
bcase 1: c=abs((int)(xt/size-xf/size))+1, p=xd; /* horizontal line */
bcase 2: c=abs((int)(yt/size-yf/size))+1, p=yd*rinfo.blockmap[2];/* */
bcase 3: c=0+1, p=1; /* start,end in same block */
b = xf/size + rinfo.blockmap[2]*(yf/size);/* start @ this block */
for (i = 0; i < c; i++, b+=p) { /* check special cases */
ub = (unsigned short *)&rinfo.blockmap[4+b];
for (l = *ub+1; rinfo.blockmap[l] != -1; l++)
if (!two_sided(rinfo.blockmap[l]) && /* consider only 1-sided */
reject_block_los(&v1,&v2,rinfo.blockmap[l])) {/* this one- */
los = FALSE; /* sided blocks view, so */
goto next_point; /* check no further */
if (c == 0) { /* handle diagonal lines */
m = scl*(yt-yf)/(xt-xf); /* spanning > 1 block */
if (m == 0) m = sgn(yt-yf)*sgn(xt-xf); /* force a min non-0 slope */
xcl = xf;
if (yd == -1) xcc = xf + scl*((yf/size)*size - 1 - yf)/m;
else xcc = xf + scl*((yf/size)*size + size - yf)/m;
do {
for (c = 0; c <= abs((int)(xcc/size - xcl/size)); c++, b+=xd) {
ub = (unsigned short *)&rinfo.blockmap[4+b];
for (l = *ub+1; rinfo.blockmap[l] != -1; l++)
if (!two_sided(rinfo.blockmap[l]) &&/* consider only 1-sided */
reject_block_los(&v1,&v2,rinfo.blockmap[l])) {/* this one- */
los = FALSE; /* sided blocks view, so */
goto next_point; /* check no further */
b += p-xd;
xcl = xcc, xcc += yd*scl*size/m;
if (xd*xcc > xd*xt) xcc = xt; /* don't overrun endpoint */
} while (xd*xcl < xd*xt);
next_point: ;
return los;
ROUTINE: reject_mark_los(l1,l2)
WRITTEN BY: Robert Fenske, Jr.
CREATED: June 1994
DESCRIPTION: This routine checks the line of sight between lines l1
and l2. Since the Reject array is sector-based, the
decision to test the line of sight is based on the
state of the Reject and Checked arrays for the sectors
asociated with the side(s) of the lines. If any pair
of sides are in the same sector, the Checked array
is set and the Reject array is untouched since the
sides are trivially in sight of each other. Otherwise,
if the pair is still flagged as not in line of sight
or the pair has not been checked yet, the line of
sight test is performed. If the line of sight test
fails, the Reject array is flagged as such.
Reject[s1][s2] and Reject[s2][s1] are flagged at the
same time since the same line of sight condition will
exist for either sector.
#if defined(ANSI_C)
local void reject_mark_los(int l1, int l2)
local void reject_mark_los(l1,l2)
int l1, l2;
boolean tested = FALSE; /* whether los already tsted */
boolean los = FALSE; /* line o' sight flag */
int s1, s2; /* tested sectors */
int i1, i2;
for (i1 = 0; i1 <= 1; i1++) { /* check both sides of l1 */
s1 = i1==0 ? rside_sect(l1) : lside_sect(l1);
for (i2 = 0; i2 <= 1; i2++) { /* check both sides of l2 */
s2 = i2==0 ? rside_sect(l2) : lside_sect(l2);
if (s1 == s2) /* just mark as checked */
set_flag(Checked,s1,s2); /* since an obvious los */
else if (get_flag(Reject,s1,s2) != 0 || /* if not in line o' sight */
get_flag(Checked,s1,s2) == 0) { /* or unchecked, check it */
if (los || (!tested && (los = reject_test_los(l1,l2))!=FALSE)) {
clr_flag(Reject,s1,s2), /* in line o' sight */
set_flag(Reject,s1,s2), /* not in line o' sight */
set_flag(Checked,s1,s2); /* now has been checked */
tested = TRUE; /* los been tested for l1,l2 */
ROUTINE: reject_init(lines,nlines,sides,verts,blockmap,ndiv)
WRITTEN BY: Robert Fenske, Jr.
CREATED: June 1994
DESCRIPTION: This routine initializes the reject information block.
It computes the lines equation constants (where a line
is defined by Ax + By + C = 0) and finds the number of
#if defined(ANSI_C)
local void reject_init(DOOM_LINE *lines, long nlines, DOOM_SIDE *sides,
DOOM_VERT *verts, DOOM_BLOCKMAP *blockmap, int ndiv)
local void reject_init(lines,nlines,sides,verts,blockmap,ndiv)
DOOM_LINE *lines;
long nlines;
DOOM_SIDE *sides;
DOOM_VERT *verts;
DOOM_BLOCKMAP *blockmap;
int ndiv;
register DOOM_VERT *vf, *vt;
register int l;
rinfo.lines = lines; /* assign these */
rinfo.nlines = nlines;
rinfo.sides = sides;
rinfo.verts = verts;
rinfo.blockmap = blockmap;
rinfo.ndiv = ndiv;
rinfo.A = blockmem(long,rinfo.nlines);
rinfo.B = blockmem(long,rinfo.nlines);
rinfo.C = blockmem(long,rinfo.nlines);
for (l = 0; l < nlines; l++) { /* compute lines equations */
vf = &rinfo.verts[rinfo.lines[l].fndx];
vt = &rinfo.verts[rinfo.lines[l].tndx];
rinfo.A[l] = -((long)vt->y-vf->y);
rinfo.B[l] = (long)vt->x-vf->x;
rinfo.C[l] = (long)vt->y*vf->x - (long)vt->x*vf->y;
rinfo.nsects = 0;
for (l = 0; l < nlines; l++) /* find highest sector # */
if (rinfo.nsects < rside_sect(l))
rinfo.nsects = rside_sect(l);
else if (two_sided(l) && rinfo.nsects < lside_sect(l))
rinfo.nsects = lside_sect(l);
rinfo.nsects++; /* highest+1 --> # sectors */
ROUTINE: reject_make(reject,zeroflag,except,lines,nlines,sides,
WRITTEN BY: Robert Fenske, Jr.
CREATED: June 1994
DESCRIPTION: This routine generates the REJECT block. If first
intializes the information structure needed for the
calculation routines. The REJECT resource is allocated
based on the computed number of sectors. The
allocation initializes the Reject array to all zeroes.
A companion resource is allocated for flags to indicate
sector pairs that have been checked at least once and
is initialized as all unchecked. If zeroflag is TRUE,
then no line-of-sight processing is done--the routine
skips directly to the exception list. Then each sector
pair that shares a line is marked as checked since the
pair can trivially see each other. Then all possible
unique two-sided line pairs are checked for line of
sight (i.e., after checking pair l1,l2 then pair l2,l1
doesn't need checking since the result will be the
same). Since a line-o'-sight line must pass through or
start from a two-sided line for a given sector, only
two-sided lines need to be checked. Any sectors
sharing a two-sided line are immediately marked as
being in line of sight. Note that any sectors with
no two-sided lines will be implicitly flagged as in
sight of every other sector since they won't be
checked. Once all the line are scanned, the exception
list is processed. All sector pairs in the exception
lists are marked with a one.
#if defined(ANSI_C)
long reject_make(DOOM_REJECT **reject, boolean zeroflag, char *except,
DOOM_LINE *lines, long nlines, DOOM_SIDE *sides,
DOOM_VERT *verts, DOOM_BLOCKMAP *blockmap)
long reject_make(reject,zeroflag,except,lines,nlines,sides,verts,blockmap)
DOOM_REJECT **reject;
boolean zeroflag;
char *except;
DOOM_LINE *lines;
long nlines;
DOOM_SIDE *sides;
DOOM_VERT *verts;
DOOM_BLOCKMAP *blockmap;
long size; /* # bytes in REJECT block */
int s1, s2;
register int l1, l2;
size = ((long)rinfo.nsects*rinfo.nsects+7)/8; /* # bytes in REJECT block */
Reject = blockmem(DOOM_REJECT,size); /* this is REJECT block */
Checked = blockmem(DOOM_REJECT,size);
if (!zeroflag) {
for (l1 = 0; l1 < rinfo.nlines; l1++) /* first mark all sectors */
if (two_sided(l1)) /* sharing a line as checked */
set_flag(Checked,rside_sect(l1),lside_sect(l1)),/* since obvious los */
for (l1 = 0; l1 < rinfo.nlines; l1++) /* check all line pairs */
if (two_sided(l1)) {
for (l2 = l1+1; l2 < rinfo.nlines; l2++)
if (two_sided(l2)) reject_mark_los(l1,l2);
while (except != NULL && /* if have exception list */
1<=(l1=sscanf(except,"%d-%d",&s1,&s2))) {/* process by setting flag */
if (l1 == 2) /* in REJECT for all sector */
set_flag(Reject,s1,s2); /* pairs */
else /* (only one sector listed: */
for (s2 = 0; s2 < rinfo.nsects; s2++) /* flag all other sectors */
if (s1 != s2) /* re: this sector) */
set_flag(Reject,s1,s2), set_flag(Reject,s2,s1);
except = strchr(except,',');
if (except != NULL) except++;
blockfree(rinfo.A); /* done with these */
blockfree(Checked); /* done with this */
*reject = Reject;
return size;